Using Background Checks to Screen Potential Hires
When looking for a new job, there are many considerations for an applicant to weigh. The issues of salary,...
94 viewsWhen looking for a new job, there are many considerations for an applicant to weigh. The issues of salary,...
94 viewsEach year, many new associates are hired with the promise, explicit or implied, of a tangible track to...
49 viewsWorking in the field of placing lateral attorneys, I keep a close eye on trends within the legal marketplace....
49 viewsDuring a job search, experience suggests that only the retail or other special sectors of the job market have...
24 viewsDo you think you're not worthy of that job you're after? That attitude will often prove you right. Think...
166 viewsThe common thinking among many job-seekers is that the best way to get a job is through someone close to them....
109 viewsThis week, an attorney employment advocate from Legal Authority breaks down the most common errors that...
45 viewsWith many large law firms in growth mode, we take a look at some of the reasons that many partners choose to...
1930 viewsThe ''Do It Yourself'' home improvement craze is all the rage, but does the same philosophy apply to job...
44 viewsCan pre-law school patent agent experience compensate for class and school ranking when seeking an IP...
1568 viewsHaving some trouble finding a job? Is more education the answer? This week's Recruiter Speak takes a look at...
17 viewsThis week, we take a break from examining law firms, per se, and instead look at a huge government agency that...
508 viewsLike most non-profit organizations, the American Civil Liberties Union does not offer premium salaries....
98 viewsFor those attorneys looking to use their legal degree to serve their country, the Judge Advocate General Corps...
56 viewsLike most public interest jobs, working for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People...
129 viewsIf you think you might enjoy providing legal counsel in the laid-back and pleasant work environment of a top...
43 viewsWith 330 in house attorneys, Pfizer Inc. employs more attorneys than most law firms — but that does not...
1663 viewsWith a roster of attorneys that would rival the largest law firms in the country, General Electric offers an...
1447 viewsWith a friendly work environment and increasing in-house work, ChevronTexaco is proving to be an attractive...
3022 viewsIt is a common belief that all attorneys who make it through law school quickly abandon their dream of using...
247 viewsWe offer tips to help you discover out-of-town resources and find new career opportunities when moving to a...
79 viewsOutplacement versus Placement — Which is right for you?