This article provides advice for those looking to make a lateral move to a more prestigious law firm. It outlines six steps that can help increase an applicant's chances of success: selling oneself during the interview, demonstrating enthusiasm and commitment, being aware of the law firm's culture, following rules and regulations, showing a willingness to be managed, and having a long-term commitment. Additionally, the article emphasizes the importance of having a well-focused resume and avoiding conflicting practice areas to demonstrate a strong focus on the desired practice area. With these tips, BCG Attorney Search can help applicants achieve their goal of getting hired laterally in a prestigious law firm.
- What are some red flags potential employers pick up on that could hinder your chances of getting hired?
Potential employers may pick up on red flags such as a resume that shows frequent switching of firms or practice areas, non-committal attitude in the interview, talking extensively about matters not related to the legal industry, asking a lot of questions about money, and lack of consistency in the resume.
- What are some ways to show long-term commitment to increasing chances of moving laterally?
Ways to demonstrate long-term commitment include joining local organizations, expressing a desire to buy a house in the area, and talking about how much you love the place.
- How can BCG Attorney Search help attorneys laterally move to a prestigious law firm?
BCG Attorney Search can help attorneys develop a strong, robust resume that shows a strong focus and commitment to a specific practice area. Their success has resulted in thousands of attorneys getting lateral positions in prestigious law firms nationwide.
- What are the six steps to make a lateral candidacy stand out?
The six steps to make your candidacy stand out when moving laterally are selling yourself during the interview process, showing a keen desire to get the job, ensuring you are a good match for the law firm's culture, being willing to follow the rules, being manageable, and showing long-term commitment.
- What is the best legal career advice for getting hired laterally?
The best legal career advice for getting hired laterally is to have a strong resume, show a high level of motivation, and be prepared to demonstrate commitment to the firm.
Making a lateral move to a prestigious law firm can further your legal career. Applying for a legal position in a big law firm can help broaden your experience, open new opportunities, or help you achieve your lifestyle goals. Or you may want to apply for a position in the lateral market because you are unhappy at your current job.
It is common for attorneys in law firms to check out the lateral market during their fourth to sixth years. And it is rare for prestigious law firms to hire first-year associates due to a lack of experience. However, even experienced associates may find it challenging to move laterally, even with excellent experience in law firms.
Did you know there are typically six reasons why prestigious law firms hire lateral candidates? Therefore, if you can nail one or more of these reasons during the interview process, you maximize your chances of getting a dream job in a major law firm.
In this article, I will share my experience with what happens during the lateral hiring process. I have worked with some of the largest law firms in the country as a legal recruiter giving career advice to thousands of associates. At the end of this article, you will have a better idea of how to make a successful move laterally.
What is a Lateral Hire in a Law Firm?
A lateral hire is where an attorney moves to another law firm at the same level as their old firm. For example, if you are an associate at your current firm, a lateral hire would be to move to another firm as an associate. Typically, lateral hiring is for attorneys with experience.Also called lateral recruitment, cherry picking, or firm hopping, lateral hiring is an important part of law firm recruitment. This type of hire is typically made to fill a specific need, find the best fit for law firms, or bring in an experienced attorney with specialized knowledge.
Why Apply for a Lateral Move to a Prestigious Firm
When should you consider a lateral move in your legal career?Many qualified attorneys move laterally if they are unhappy at their current job. For example, they may realize that their current law firm is not interested in promoting them or making them partner. Other reasons to look for a lateral position include making more money, better work-life balance, or gaining experience.
One of the most common reasons attorneys go for a lateral move is to join a more prestigious law firm. After graduating from law school, getting accepted to a major firm could be tricky. However, after getting a few years of experience, you are in a better position to apply for a similar job in a larger law firm.
But even if you like where you work, testing the lateral market could help you understand what offers and if a lateral leap could further your career.
How to Make a Lateral Move in a Biglaw Firm
It would seem reasonable that your experience as a senior attorney would be the main reason to get hired. However, there are typically only six reasons why prestigious law firms hire laterally. Therefore, if you want a similar law job in a larger law firm, please read on.1. Prestigious Law Firms Must Sell You to Their Clients
The first reason top law firms hire laterally is if they can market you to clients. Therefore, during the hiring process, managers ask themselves this question about you — would our clients be willing to pay big bucks for this attorney?The most prestigious law firms in the country have massive billing rates. Therefore, you must look good to the firm’s clients. So, your background, law school education, qualifications, and experience mean a lot to firms and their clients. If the firm thinks it can sell you, it will hire you.
Here is how the process works in the largest firms. Most major law firms work with in-house counsel. And the quality of attorneys is extremely important to them. So when they pitch matters to clients, they often include the attorney’s biography, experience, and qualifications. They also do this when pitching to secure work with new clients.
It is a fact that the quality of attorneys at a big law firm enhances its prestige. So, for example, it means a lot to clients to know that a top-performing associate from Harvard Law School, Yale Law School, or an Ivy League college will be working on the case.
In the end, the prestige rankings of an attorney increase the prestige level of the entire law firm.
Therefore, you must sell yourself to get a lateral position in a prestigious law firm. Know what the firm is looking for and develop your unique selling proposition. This is why hiring a successful recruiter can boost your chances of placement in a prestigious law firm. A quality recruiter knows how to sell associates to major law firms.
2. You Want the Lateral Hire
Prestigious law firms hire a lateral attorney because they want the job. Therefore, it is crucial on your resume to list specific qualifications and abilities relevant to the job. However, remember that listing many irrelevant matters on the resume can work against you.Law firms are fairly suspicious when hiring laterally. Unfortunately, many hiring managers assume that you are looking for a job because of problems at your current one. And often, many junior associates go laterally because they cannot adjust to the work environment. Of course, this is only sometimes the case, but it happens.
The last thing a legal organization wants is to hire attorneys without motivation.
Therefore, it is crucial to give good reasons for your move during the recruiting process. It is also vital to be confident because the firm knows you will be happy. And talking about how busy you are will also boost your chances of getting hired. After all, the more billable hours you put in, the better it is for the firm.
3. You Are an Excellent Match for the Law Firm’s Culture
Many firms hire lateral associates because they fit in with the firm’s culture. Every law firm has a specific culture and wants to hire the types of attorneys that fit in. This makes law firm partners feel comfortable and more likely to give the position to someone who matches the culture.The law firm’s culture could be political, religious, a culture of athletes, or interested in social causes. Some legal firms want their associates to wear bow ties. Unfortunately, there is underlying discrimination in some organizations. And “attorneys who don’t fit it” pick up on. It makes them unhappy in their work, and they have difficulty feeling left out.
It is also vital to ensure that the law firm’s culture is one you are happy with. Unfortunately, if you don’t fit in with the culture, you end up feeling like an outsider. And senior associates tend not to trust their colleagues who appear to be.
What’s the key takeaway? In your job search, only apply for a lateral position in a law firm with a culture you like. To make a lateral move to a prestigious law firm, it’s a good idea to use a top-rated international legal recruiting firm. For example, BCG Attorney Search can help you find a lateral position in some of the largest law firms in the country.
4. You Do the Job the Way the Law Firm Wants
During the recruiting process, a law firm hiring laterally is looking for associate hires who will work the way the firm wants. Therefore, to be a good fit for law firms, you must show more than your ability to work hard and be successful. You must show you are a good fit for the firm.Each law firm has specific requirements for how they want work done. Even if you are an accomplished, successful attorney or associate, you will have a tough time in a law practice if you insist on doing work your way.
For example, some law organizations want a high and unquestioned commitment. As a result, they may expect associates to bill a huge number of hours. Other firms expect attorneys to prioritize firm above family life. In contrast, some law practices do much of their work on the golf course.
How can you sell yourself to a prestigious firm when moving laterally? First, during the interview, avoid talking about how you like things. Don’t give the impression you are stuck in your ways. Also, don’t come across as complaining about the amount of work you currently do. Therefore, ensure that the way the firm works is one you are happy with.
5. The Large Law Firm Can Easily Manage You
Being manageable is one of the most positive factors big law firms look for in a lateral hire. They want to know that you can work with the firm’s existing systems and processes. In addition, during the interview process, you must show that you are an excellent fit for the law firm.The large law firm wants to know that you can adapt to their system and not cause any disruption. They also want to ensure you are willing to learn new things and adapt quickly. This means you must respect authority, follow the chain of command, and take instructions.
The reason why large law firms want associates they can manage is simple — they are big money-making businesses. Law firms need an “army” of workers who “march” toward a common goal. Therefore, they will avoid anyone who weakens the business or wants to “go it alone.”
What are the tell-tale signs a potential candidate could put their career at risk by showing they are an unmanageable attorney? Here are a few warning signs hiring managers look for:
- Questioning assignments
- Questioning the way the firm operates
- Showing a tendency to break the rules
- Getting defensive about certain questions
- Being overly interested in rapid advancement in a law firm
- Complaining about the type of work or assignment you receive
- Complaining about how you were treated in a previous firm
- Showing several protest organizations on your resume
- Having a poor credit report (yes, some employers check the credit reports of potential employees)
Therefore, when applying for a lateral position in a prestigious law firm, demonstrate you are manageable. Even entry-level attorneys must show a willingness to be managed.
6. You Have Long-Term Prospects in the Law Firm
Demonstrating that you will stick around for the long term greatly increases your chances of getting hired laterally. Prestigious law firms perform best with attorneys who see their long-term career at the firm. Therefore, your resume and interview process must show commitment and dedication to your practice area.For example, it’s vital to emphasize your in-demand practice areas if you are applying for a lateral position. One way to do this is by avoiding including conflicting practice areas in your resume. The best resumes show a strong focus on the practice area. You must also demonstrate a solid reason for switching firms.
Here are some other red flags potential employers pick up on that could hinder your chances of getting hired:
- Your resume shows you frequently switch firms or practice areas
- You come across as non-committal in the interview
- You talk extensively in the interview about matters not related to the legal industry
- You are keen to talk about other practice settings or what it’s like to work as an in-house attorney at another firm
- Your resume lack consistency
- The reasons you are applying for the job seem suspicious
- You have a history of switching practice areas
- You ask a lot of questions about money or seem overly concerned about the terms of financial compensation
Say you are an associate and go to an in-house position, into government, public interest, or go solo. But you then decide to return to the practice area you were in previously. A prestigious law firm will question your long-term commitment.
How can you show long-term commitment and increase your chances of moving laterally to a larger law firm in another city? For example, joining local organizations, showing a desire to buy a house in the area, and talking about how much you love the place are positive signals of long-term commitment.
Therefore, when interviewing for a lateral position, show a deep desire to get the job. Also, do extensive research on the firm to talk authoritatively about it and its culture.
At BCG Attorney Search, we can help you develop a strong, robust resume that shows a strong focus and commitment to a specific practice area. Our success has resulted in thousands of attorneys getting lateral positions in prestigious law firms nationwide.
Get Hired Laterally in A Prestigious Law Firm — In Conclusion
Moving laterally to a new job at a prestigious law firm is an excellent way to further your career in law practice. However, to increase your chances of acceptance, you must follow the six steps to make your candidacy stand out from the competition. These are the following:- Sell yourself during the interview process
- Show a keen desire to get the job
- Ensure you are a good match for the law firm’s culture
- Be willing to follow rules
- Be manageable
- Show long-term commitment
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