Navigating Success in Small Law Firms: Opportunities and Strategies
In the realm of legal practice, small law firms represent a distinctive segment characterized by their modest...
9 viewsIn the realm of legal practice, small law firms represent a distinctive segment characterized by their modest...
9 viewsNavigating Law Firm Profit Sharing: Strategies and Alternatives:
511 viewsAs a legal employer, it is crucial to understand and fulfill your responsibilities towards your employees....
115 viewsDiscrimination in the workplace is not only morally wrong but also illegal. As an employer, you are...
19 viewsEmployee privacy and confidentiality are essential elements of a healthy and productive work environment....
69 viewsWilliam Lerach, David Boies, Joe Jamail, and Thomas Mesereau are examples of successful attorneys who have...
23 views"What is the importance of Law Firm Diversity?" Law firms and legal departments are constantly striving for...
146 viewsIf someone asked you what is normally meant by the abbreviation ‘CYA,’ you might not know what they are...
48 viewsLaw students who interview with numerous firms before making a final decision can tell you that each firm...
107 viewsPerformance check-ins can be a formal review or a casual conversation between the parties, but it is essential...
99 viewsSummary: If you have been thinking of either transforming or establishing a virtual law firm with a remote...
437 viewsSummary: Perks can be the difference between hiring the best legal talent out fresh out of law school and...
534 viewsSummary: A long tradition of marketing exists in American business. Why shouldn’t law firms do the same?
962 viewsSummary: Not participating in anything illegal is one way law firms stay open. But there are still other...
524 viewsSummary: Here are six articles that outline every organization’s need for an agreeable culture.
141 viewsSummary: Review the top 20 articles from this year for law firms regarding the hiring of attorneys and...
1109 viewsSummary: Keep your law firm going strong well into the future by following these ten simple tips to protect...
866 viewsSummary: Law firms make many mistakes unknowingly in how they market their firm online. Use this as a guide of...
696 viewsSummary: Most law firms have websites, but many find that they do little to improve firm revenue. Achieve...
285 viewsSummary: How can law firm managing partners improve the profitability of their firms?
986 viewsSummary: What steps can you take to ensure your firm’s reputation is as strong as possible on the internet,...
242 viewsSummary: Check out these ten tips for implementing effective marketing strategies in your firm’s business...
1010 viewsSummary: Check out this list of the top 20 articles in 2015 for law firms on LawCrossing.
236 viewsSummary: Learn about models of law firm leadership that encourage innovation and how to embrace creativity in...
1748 viewsTalent management software is gaining importance because getting and keeping good talent has become critical...
67 viewsThe use of performance appraisals as a tool to improve performance management may be overrated or...
112 viewsOne of the major impediments in managing people and upping productivity lies inside the mindsets of managers...
124 viewsEven though the recession, downsizing, a poor job market, and declining demand for traditional legal services...
871 viewsA recent paper authored by Laura Empson of the Cass Business School, titled “Who’s in Charge? Exploring...
40 viewsHigh-potential employees, as opposed to high-performing employees, or highly-knowledgeable employees, are...