Of all the social networks, LinkedIn is the most important when it comes to presenting yourself professionally to potential legal employers and recruiters. Although it may seem tedious and awkward at first, investing time and energy into your LinkedIn profile as you would a job application; helps build your online presence among 175 million job seekers and professionals. Read below for tips on how to optimize your profile for the job search.
Write a professional bio and engaging summary.
When writing a professional biography, there are multiple things to remember.
1. Refer to yourself in third person.
2. Explain who you are and what you do.
3. Highlight your professional accomplishments.
4. Communicate what kinds of opportunities you are seeking and career goals.
5. Include your contact information.
Treat it as a search engine.
Most users do not use LinkedIn to its full potential because they treat it as an online version of their resume. Because your profile is digital, legal recruiters and employers are able to use LinkedIn as a search engine for viable candidates. Your profile should therefore be populated with certain keywords and content to make your profile searchable. Make sure that you include keywords that are commonly found throughout your industry. These can include specific skills, software or techniques. Research positions you are interested in applying for and make sure your profile reflects some of the terms found in the job descriptions.
Your headline should accurately describe the position you are looking for and not simply a description of your current or previous position. “Recent law graduate seeking entry-level position” is a better headline than “Legal Intern at Firm X.” People do business in a variety of contexts and you want to be straightforward about what your goals are.
Include content.
Content published on LinkedIn not only allows you to be found easier, it also adds to your credibility. By incorporating widgets such as your blog’s RSS feed or your most recent presentation using Slideshare, you can showcase your work and experience.