Because of the latest news about the recent pandemic, the era of virtual interviews is upon us. Companies are turning to video calls as a way to conduct interviews with candidates from all over the country and world since it allows them to interview more people in less time, for potentially lower costs than flying everyone out to their office.
Video interviewing has advantages and disadvantages to in-person interviews, which are essential to consider when considering what type of interview is best for you. If time isn't a factor, it's usually better to do an in-person meeting because the interviewer can make judgments based on your body language and facial expressions rather than just listening or watching video footage. If you are interviewing locally, it's always better to do in-person interviews because they can be more reliable and convenient for both parties involved than videoconferencing.
What is a virtual interview, and how does it work?
A virtual interview or video chat session with a potential employer to consider a position is becoming more common. A virtual interview is an online meeting between two parties who are not physically present. It's often used for more sensitive topics or positions that need personal attention. It provides the best way to vet candidates without having any other distractions from their work in real-life conversations.
Hiring managers use virtual interviewing in the hiring process because it's an effective way to screen candidates. They can communicate with multiple people at once, which saves both time and money for the business. The best part is that they can do this from anywhere globally as long as there is a strong enough internet connection.
Virtual interviewing is a great way to meet candidates from all over the world and those who can't make it in person. For instance, virtual interviews are perfect if you work at an international company and your team works across several different time zones or has people based abroad. They don't have to worry about jetlag or the time zone difference when interviewing people in other areas.
Advantages of Videoconferencing for Job Interviews
1. Videoconferencing saves time.
Video interviewing saves time for both parties involved in an interview. One of the most significant benefits of videoconferencing is saving you time from interviewee and interviewer perspectives. With so much going on in life, it's easy for a candidate or employee not to get noticed by missing an opportunity because they are too busy with work-related matters outside their job description, leading them down unfulfilling career paths.
2. It is more convenient for the candidate.
It's more convenient for the candidate than in-person interviews, and you can get information from them about what they see on their screen that would be difficult or impossible otherwise. It's an easy way to get a first impression and ask relevant questions without requiring someone to take time off work.
3. Provides a better first impression for both parties.
The first impression is everything in interviews. A virtual interview session helps you look professional with an excellent output tone of voice and keeps your fingers crossed that they like what they see.
It gives you more time to think about what the employer wants, rather than having an interview where all they are thinking about is how uncomfortable it looks and starts wondering if this position would be good or bad.
4. Allows greater flexibility with scheduling interviews on different days and times of the day.
When it comes to scheduling interviews, nothing is more flexible than virtual interviews. You can interview a potential candidate on any day and time that works for them without having your schedule interfere with theirs.
5. Avoids travel costs, which can be expensive depending on distance traveled and flight duration.
The average cost of a video interviewing session is much lower than the price tag on an in-person meeting. Not only does this technique eliminate travel expenses, but it also cuts downtime, which means you can be productive even when far away from your desk. It makes sense to use it when the two parties don't need to meet in person.
6. Lessens environmental impact by decreasing carbon footprint from air travel
Video interviews are a fantastic way to alleviate the environmental impact of air travel. For job seekers who need an interview right away, video interviewing will require about one-third as much energy and emit less than half as many greenhouse gases when compared with traditional methods such as phone calls or in-person interviews.
Disadvantages of Video Interviews
Preparation is the key to success in videoconference interviews. Since most people are not used to doing them, it can be difficult and stressful if you haven't prepared ahead of time. You want your interviewers to see how great you can sound on camera.
Candidates need to be aware that video conferencing equipment is not perfect and may lose connection with the interviewer. Additionally, both parties must use high-speed internet connections to avoid technical issues with sound or image quality during the interview. That way, nothing will interfere with your ability to provide a great first impression.
Certain aspects of the video conferencing software may malfunction and cause your interview to be less than ideal. Also, advanced technical skills are required for videoconferencing, which would require an additional investment in time by either employers or job seekers, depending on who is interviewing. Below are some of the disadvantages of a video job interview.
1. Video interviews are not as reliable as in-person interviews.
The main reason for this is that video footage doesn't capture interviewees' body language or facial expressions, which can reveal their true thoughts on things said during questions asked by an interviewer.
Nothing is more important than face-to-face communication. There are advantages to meeting in person rather than teleconferencing software because you can pick up on specific cues that you might miss otherwise. It's almost impossible to get a complete picture of who the candidate is during this type of interview, meaning they could have an excellent resume but a terrible personality.
2. Interviewees can't read an interviewer's facial expressions.
When conducting video interviews, people cannot read the interviewers' facial expressions or body language. It may lead to miscommunication in an interview as they cannot correctly assess the applicant's emotions or thoughts.
It is a disadvantage because it's difficult to tell how an interviewer feels towards interviewees without seeing their facial expressions during questions asked. If you feel like your interviewers don't believe in you, there probably isn't much that you can do about it, and interviewing over video may not be worth it.
3. The video interviewee has no control over their environment.
It is a disadvantage because the video interviewee has no control over their environment, so they have to answer questions without knowing what the interviewer is seeing or doing. It makes for an uninteresting experience for the interviewer and leaves them wondering what is going on, which can be frustrating if you try your best during this virtual meeting.
4. It takes time for an employer to watch all of the video interviews they receive, so it might take longer than one day for them to contact you back.
Since watching a video takes more time than reading an email or listening to someone on the phone, it can take longer for employers to watch all of the videos they receive. It means that you might have to wait a couple of days before hearing back from them with their decision, which could jeopardize your job search if there is little room on your busy schedules.
5. If an applicant is wearing glasses during their interview, it may distort their appearance on camera.
If an applicant is wearing glasses during their interview, it may cause the lenses of those frames to fog up and distort what they see.
6. Some people feel more comfortable with an in-person interview.
Some people feel more comfortable with the in-person interview because they are not used to video interviews. It can be extremely awkward and intense for some who aren't ready for it, but once you get the hang of this interviewing, nothing is holding you back from success in future virtual interviews.
7. There are a lot of requirements to prepare for any video job interview.
You must meet many requirements before completing a virtual interviewing over a video call. Things such as having a good internet connection and proper lighting with natural light for the camera are essential. You need to not only prepare, but you should also practice in front of a mirror to practice answers, maintain eye contact, and see how you will speak, just like with any other interview. If you don't have these things, it can make or break your chances of landing a job.
Video Interview Tips and Preparation
Some find the process of preparing for a video interview more difficult than preparing for an office face-to-face interview. Below are some video interview tips that you can use to make sure you land that job you want.
- Ensure that all devices are working correctly. Make sure that your internet connection is working at the same time. Technical difficulties can make for an uncomfortable experience.
- You will want to choose the proper lighting or natural light before doing your video interview, so do a trial run first if you can. You'll also need to check that there are no background noises or distractions during your actual live stream. A quiet location with a neutral background and a good light source is advisable in virtual interviewing.
- Make sure that you dress appropriately and appear cleanly shaven/waxed. It is essential to look professional during your interview, and this means that you need to dress accordingly.
- If possible, test out wearing glasses before the actual video call because some people feel more comfortable without them, or they might distort what others see on camera. You'll want to be sure of how it looks if you are going for an in-person interview.
- Make your cover letters, transcript, and resume handy if the hiring manager asks for it.
- Be sure that all of your devices have a fully charged battery before joining the meeting to avoid unplanned downtime during the interview.
- If you feel uncomfortable or nervous, do breathing exercises and remember why you applied for this position in particular. It can help put things into perspective and remind you why an employer should hire someone like yourself.
- Employers will tell if you are not interested in the position or company, so make sure that your body language and expressions show genuine interest during this video interview. You'll have a better chance of being hired with a positive attitude towards their firm. Make sure not to lose focus and show that there is a personal connection during the video interview.
- Pay attention while the interviewer is talking and have a good posture with virtual eye contact to project your eagerness. Detect any non-verbal cues from the interviewer.
- Be confident and ask questions if you think the interviewer is not giving enough information. Speak throughout the interview.
- Show off your communication skills. Ask for the next step of the hiring process. Show that you want the job and that you are a good fit to join their company or business.
- One of the virtual interviewing tips is to show that you are flexible to changes and can adapt to new technology by informing you that you can both work in an office setting or do remote work.
- While the interviewer is talking, continue maintaining eye contact and answer all questions with confidence.
- Don't forget to smile on your video job interview, even when nervous. A genuine and warm attitude can go a long way in your interviewer's eyes, so keep this in mind throughout the interview process.
- Have fun with it and show yourself off. You are a unique person who has a lot to offer, and the person hiring you must realize this.
See also:
The Future of The Workplace and Why Employers May Want to Use More Remote Interviews in The Future
The future of work is all about flexibility. To keep up with the rapidly evolving business world, companies require workers who can not only arrive at work every day but also attend to work at a moment's notice when necessary, whether from home or stuck in traffic near an airport close by where flights arrive within 45 minutes after taking off. Imagine employers are using remote interviews more often than face-to-face meetings. Therefore, it will make sense for people to use them over going to an office. These situations commonly arise nowadays - especially amongst Millennials because of factors like student loans and a minimum wage job that are very hard to repay.
Hiring managers, operation supervisors, and employed candidates utilize this new technology to make things easier and more convenient for everyone. Remote workers use collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams, Skype, Google Meets, and many more to join online meeting rooms. Remote work is a trend here to stay, and it's up to employers and prospective employees to keep with these societal changes.
Employers may also want the best of both worlds when hiring for certain positions. For instance, they can have some candidates interview on-site while others are interviewed virtually, so each applicant has an equal chance at getting hired instead.
Virtual Interviews are the answer to any company that cannot afford a face-to-face job interview at this pandemic times. It makes all the difference when it comes to being able to hire the best candidate. Companies are now using virtual interviews as a way of testing an applicant's ability to think on their feet, find creative solutions to real-life problems, and listen carefully in order.
Educational institutions have started utilizing this medium for students that cannot travel or attend school due to medical reasons or financial problems. It can be difficult for students to travel, especially when they are busy with their schoolwork and trying to juggle a part-time job on top of that.
There is no question about it; video conferencing will continue gaining momentum as the technology improves over time - making virtual interviews more accessible than ever before.
See the following articles for more information:
- Top 23 Law Firm Interview Tips: How to Excel in Law Firm Interviews
- 21 Major Interview Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs
- The Best Way to Prepare for a Job Search and Interviews
- How to Talk About Other Interviews in Your Interviews
- How to Answer the Tell Me About Yourself Interview Question
- How to Answer the Do You Have Any Questions for Me Interview Question
- A Great Interview But Have Got No Response to My Thank-You Emails
- What Does It Mean if I Haven't Heard Anything Back from an Application/Interview in a Couple Weeks?
- What to Wear to a Lunch Interview?
- How to Effectively Interview Lateral Candidates: Pointers for Law Firms
- The Interview Post-Mortem: Don't Forget Your Thank You Notes!
- The Secret to Effectively Sharing Concerns about Your Current Employer without Committing the Most Common Interview Blunder
- How to Conduct Yourself During a Lunch Interview