Quite frequently, I meet very intelligent, well-informed attorneys who, when they hear that LawCrossing charges people to look at jobs, flat out state: "I would never pay money to anyone to help me find a job." Other attorneys state: "I can find the jobs you have on other sites."
Since we have over 200 employees who research attorney jobs all day long, every day and get jobs from over 100,000 different websites, these statements strike us as quite shocking … but they have made us think.
For example, attorneys think nothing of spending thousands of dollars a month to access services like Westlaw and Lexis that help them do their jobs better.
They also think nothing of spending thousands of dollars on courses to pass the bar, or for continuing legal education credit, or to take the bar exam.
They also think little of taking out hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans to go to law school.
However, when it comes to spending a small amount of money to do something that might actually get them a job, an attorney's defenses go up. "I'd never pay to look for a job!" They say this as if paying huge amounts of money for certain types of research is perfectly acceptable; however, paying for research about jobs is an anathema.
The fact that this misunderstanding about what we do even exists has been our mistake. And it is a big mistake. If people do not understand what we do at LawCrossing, they are unlikely to benefit from our site the same way thousands of attorneys have and get the jobs they are entitled to and deserve.
Look at this from a social point of view.
For all of these reasons, it is important that you should know as much as possible about LawCrossing. But where do we begin?
Well, it seems a good place to start would be by addressing what LawCrossing is, what it is not and a few of the "myths" that surround LawCrossing—that one should never have to pay to look for a job, and that you can find all of the jobs that exist on this site elsewhere.
If you have used LawCrossing before, you may find a lot of this explanation pretty elementary; however, you should be prepared to learn more. If you have not, we hope to at least educate you a bit about what we do.
Quite frequently, I meet very intelligent, well-informed attorneys who, when they hear that LawCrossing charges people to look at jobs, flat out state: "I would never pay money to anyone to help me find a job." Other attorneys state: "I can find the jobs you have on other sites."
Since we have over 200 employees who research attorney jobs all day long, every day and get jobs from over 100,000 different websites, these statements strike us as quite shocking … but they have made us think.
For example, attorneys think nothing of spending thousands of dollars a month to access services like Westlaw and Lexis that help them do their jobs better.
They also think nothing of spending thousands of dollars on courses to pass the bar, or for continuing legal education credit, or to take the bar exam.
They also think little of taking out hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans to go to law school.
However, when it comes to spending a small amount of money to do something that might actually get them a job, an attorney's defenses go up. "I'd never pay to look for a job!" They say this as if paying huge amounts of money for certain types of research is perfectly acceptable; however, paying for research about jobs is an anathema.
The fact that this misunderstanding about what we do even exists has been our mistake. And it is a big mistake. If people do not understand what we do at LawCrossing, they are unlikely to benefit from our site the same way thousands of attorneys have and get the jobs they are entitled to and deserve.
- If people do not find the jobs they are capable of getting, they will lead lives that are not as fulfilling as they could be.
- Their families may suffer by not being able to buy the things they want and need. They will not be able to hold their heads up high and feel proud of the work they are doing.
- Countless attorneys will go unemployed, underemployed, or stuck in jobs they do not like.
Look at this from a social point of view.
- People who do not get the jobs they are capable of getting may spend their lives feeling "imprisoned" in the jobs they do get.
- They will feel their law degrees and abilities are wasted.
- These people will leave the practice of law and work at jobs that might not make full use of their intelligence and ability.
For all of these reasons, it is important that you should know as much as possible about LawCrossing. But where do we begin?
Well, it seems a good place to start would be by addressing what LawCrossing is, what it is not and a few of the "myths" that surround LawCrossing—that one should never have to pay to look for a job, and that you can find all of the jobs that exist on this site elsewhere.
If you have used LawCrossing before, you may find a lot of this explanation pretty elementary; however, you should be prepared to learn more. If you have not, we hope to at least educate you a bit about what we do.
What Is LawCrossing?
LawCrossing is a job opening research service that manually and electronically researches all of the open legal jobs in the market and then, using highly-trained legal specialists, classifies all of this information.
LawCrossing shows you every single job it can find in the legal market, and researches every single corporate, government, public interest, law firm and other job sites it can find for this information.
LawCrossing typically has over 60,000 active legal jobs at one time.
Who Subscribes to LawCrossing?
While there is no "typical" member of LawCrossing, and members encompass everyone from law students, in-house attorneys, law firm partners and government attorneys, we have found that the typical member of LawCrossing is someone who is "more competitive" than average. Thus, they are likely to be part of a large law firm, or hold a prestigious in-house position.
We believe that the most competitive and successful attorneys likely realize the importance of using research tools in their job search. (Of course, we like to think that our service made them successful too!)
The majority of legal recruiters in the United States are also members of the site and use LawCrossing to track openings.
Why Should Anyone Subscribe to LawCrossing?
You should subscribe to LawCrossing to find the best possible job, and see every legal job opening that is out there in one consolidated place. It is not uncommon for people who have spent months looking for a job without LawCrossing to sign up for the site and then get multiple offers within a very short period of time.
There is also far less competition for job openings listed on LawCrossing. Since LawCrossing requires users to subscribe and pay to become members, you automatically eliminate a significant portion of your competitors for each job when you sign up. (You eliminate the people who "do not believe in paying to look for a job".) This gives you a profound advantage because you can suddenly see jobs from every law firm website, every corporate website and other sources that your competitors will not find. We also bring you jobs from tens of thousands of niche job sites and industry publications as well.
People who use LawCrossing get access to the entire job market at one time instead of only openings that employers are paying to post. We have a huge variety of openings—whether you are seeking to work in-house, switch law firms, move to a larger or smaller firm, or even take a legal post overseas in an exotic location with the government. The odds are we will have what you are looking for.
Why Does LawCrossing Cost Money?
LawCrossing charges a membership fee because we dedicate so many of our resources to researching and finding the jobs that are on our site and then classifying this information for you. This work requires a staff of over 200 employees to do the work and a huge data center that helps us monitor every site we can find with legal jobs. When you use LawCrossing, you are paying for research into the job market.
Can't I Just Find All of the Openings on LawCrossing Elsewhere?
Yes, you could if you had the resources of hundreds of people helping you, a multimillion dollar data center and a lot of time.
The main difference between LawCrossing and just about every other site out there is that LawCrossing puts every job it can find on its website. Other job sites follow an older "newspaper classified model" where it costs money to post the job on their site.
LawCrossing researches and finds every job it can and posts jobs regardless of whether employers are paying to be on our site. As an example, there are hundreds of thousands of jobs from law firms, corporate and other websites in the United States and throughout the world. LawCrossing monitors all of the sites it can find for jobs. Most employers post jobs on their own websites and not job sites (since they can post on their internal websites for free.).
Will LawCrossing Apply to Jobs for Me if I Do Not Have Time?
LawCrossing's standard service requires you to apply to jobs on your own. However, LawCrossing does offer a very popular service, LawCrossing Concierge. For an extra fee, LawCrossing will assign you a personal concierge who will work for you daily to find new jobs and apply to these jobs with your approval. This is a limited and specialized service, so if we do not have current availability, you may be added to a waiting list. Click here to read more about LawCrossing Concierge and sign up today.
How Long Has LawCrossing Been Around?
LawCrossing has been around over a decade and is a very established company. LawCrossing has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (http://www.bbb.org/sanjose/business-reviews/job-listing-and-advisory-services/lawcrossingcom-in-pasadena-ca-13214320) and is an established and well-recognized company (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LawCrossing#cite_note-19).
Is There Someone I Can Speak With About LawCrossing?
Yes. LawCrossing maintains a toll free number and also maintains live chat during business hours. You can call us anytime at 800-973-1177.
Can I Find In-house Jobs on LawCrossing?
Yes. In fact, LawCrossing is so effective at getting attorneys in-house positions that we believe we fill the majority of in-house openings in the United States given our recent survey results.
While we have no way of understanding exactly why this is, we believe that this is due to the fact that we monitor so many small and large corporations for legal jobs. As a matter of course, most of these employers normally put all their openings on their corporate websites. Our ability to monitor and collect this information as it becomes available gives our members instant access to these jobs before others know about them.
Does LawCrossing Have Exclusive Jobs?
Yes. Thousands of legal employers post their jobs on our site and nowhere else. Also, because we find jobs from small corporations, law firms and obscure government offices, many of the jobs on our site, while theoretically "public," only get applications from LawCrossing users like you. Many of these employers are very hungry to hire people because their jobs are grossly "under promoted."
Can I Try LawCrossing without Paying Full Price?
Yes, of course you can. LawCrossing offers a 30-day trial for $1 to give you time to see if you like the site or not. Click here to sign up for a $1 trial to LawCrossing now.
This isn't a complete explanation of what LawCrossing is, of course. To do that would require you to talk to thousands of attorneys and law students and understand what LawCrossing means to them.
All we have tried to do here is answer some of the more common questions that are asked of us.
We are always available and easy to reach if you would like to speak with us at 800-973-1177.