Beyond Resumes: What Law Firms Truly Seek in Candidates
In the realm of competitive legal recruitment, aspiring attorneys frequently invest significant effort in...
51 viewsIn the realm of competitive legal recruitment, aspiring attorneys frequently invest significant effort in...
51 viewsIn the highly competitive landscape of the legal profession, a standout resume is not just a mere formality...
19 viewsIn the competitive landscape of job interviews, references and resume checks hold significant weight. These...
18 viewsThis article guides how to write a successful resume for law firms, explaining why it is essential to focus on...
77 viewsMentorship is a crucial aspect of personal and professional development, and the relationship between an...
55 viewsA law firm is a business like any other, which means that the only way to stay ahead is to grow as a company....
566 viewsA law firm job search is a stressful event. Applying with the right resume and cover letter, anxiously waiting...
1544 viewsIn a job search, your resume is one of the most important documents. A resume's purpose is to help impress...
106 viewsSo now you've thoroughly researched potential employers, have done some soul-searching, and are on the path...
94 viewsLet’s face it: You’ll never fit everything you’d like to say onto a one- or two-page resume. That means...
26 viewsYour resume is a representation of you to a legal recruiter or prospective employer, so don’t date yourself...
67 viewsOn average, a legal recruiter sees 5,000 resumes a year. Any legitimate reason she finds to make one disappear...
9 viewsYou're ready to begin the job hunt. You know what types of positions and firms you'd like to apply to. Now you...
33 viewsYou keep hearing this advice on and on, “Always customize your resume to the job you are applying for” and...
133 viewsSummary: While having a well-written resume is a critical aspect of your job search, many attorneys don’t...
12441 viewsSummary: Do you want to create a résumé that will wow any legal employer? Here are the top 5 tips that will...
2868 viewsThe winning résumé is a marketing document, not an obituary that simply recites your life's chronology. From...
11723 viewsThe lateral resume is an extremely important marketing tool. It's a key component of the recruiting process....
1787 viewsThe employment resume--its style, organization, and content--has long been a topic of considerable discussion...
32 viewsResumes are terribly important. Although it is possible to become paranoid about them and to spend too much...
8 viewsYour resume and cover letter represent you. They convey all that you are as a newcomer to the profession....
61 viewsThe vast majority of resumes look the same. Why? They look the same because the vast majority of job seekers...
312 viewsLegal training is comprehensive and intensive so it applies to a wide variety of career disciplines. You are...
32 viewsResumes are terribly important. Although it is possible to become paranoid about them and to spend too much...
249 viewsA resume is an opportunity to create a positive impression with an employer. It may be viewed as a photograph...
679 viewsThe cover letter, like all correspondence and writings sent to employers, should be typed on good bond paper...
492 viewsThis article considers some of those special circumstances, whether they be a job problem related to age, a...
238 viewsNow you are ready to start writing your own resume. The following worksheets will help you include all the...
27 viewsSince your resume probably will be the first contact between you and your prospective employer, it is...
26 viewsWhen writing your resume, always remember that its purpose is to make you interesting enough to a potential...