Do you want to combine your passion for justice with a successful and well-paying career? If so, discover why practicing law is among the most rewarding professions you can choose. Check out these 21 reasons to become a lawyer and make a difference in your community.
- What are the benefits of a career in law?
The benefits of a career in law include excellent pay, flexibility, the opportunity to make a difference in people's lives, and the ability to develop transferable skills.
- What is the typical hourly rate for lawyers?
Most lawyers can earn between $70 and $150 per hour, depending on their experience, expertise, and work type.
- What transferable skills can lawyers develop?
Lawyers can develop a diverse range of transferable skills such as problem-solving, strategic thinking, analyzing and processing complex information, understanding legalese, developing excellent communication skills, showing great attention to detail, having the ability to sell a concept, and showing entrepreneurial potential.
- What makes lawyers an invaluable asset in different fields?
The transferable skills that lawyers develop make them invaluable assets across different fields, giving them excellent career opportunities that they cannot find in other professions.
- Is a career in law only open to individuals with special skills or talents?
No, a career in law is not only open to individuals with special skills or talents. With determination and hard work, anyone can become a successful lawyer.
Are you considering a career in law? If so, you’re making an excellent choice. Practicing law is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling professions out there. Apart from being lucrative, a legal career brings unique challenges for anyone with determination, drive, and a passion for helping others in legal matters. Additionally, law practice has plenty of job opportunities, meaning that successful lawyers enjoy unsurpassed employment and financial security.
Unfortunately, working in a large legal practice is often portrayed negatively. For example, working in a big law firm can mean getting an expensive education in law school and then long hours in the office. Also, it can be challenging to maintain a good client-lawyer relationship in high-stress situations.
However, regarding wealth, security, and prestige, no profession can compete with a law career.
In this article, I will share with you what I’ve learned regarding the benefits of choosing the practice of law as a profession. In addition, you will learn 21 reasons why becoming a lawyer could be the best decision you ever make.
Before looking at the many reasons to become an attorney, it’s vital to understand why the legal industry has a stigma attached to it.
Why Some People Complain About Careers in Law
Despite its many advantages, some lawyers complain about their profession. So, the question is this—if being an attorney is so great, why do some have complaints?One of the most common reasons for disliking a law career is employment. Like any industry, jobs in the legal profession take a hit when the economy is bad. Therefore, it tends to be attorneys who have come from the best schools with the best grades that find it easy to get a job. However, the same is true in any profession.
Another issue some attorneys face is underemployment. But in my experience, this is not an issue with the legal profession. Some lawyers who want further legal careers do not know how to find positions. They either apply for the wrong jobs, fail to write a resume that positions their practice area, or do not use a good legal recruitment agency.
For example, at BCG Attorney Search, we have helped place thousands of attorneys in positions they did not think it was possible to find. Either they did not look hard enough or lacked the tools that we have to find suitable openings and placements.
Therefore, if you are struggling to find a new job in the legal profession, why not contact BCG Attorney Search today? We have the tools and connections to find suitable openings and job interviews for you.
21 Reasons Why Practicing Law is the Best Profession
Most attorneys love their profession because it offers excellent financial rewards, provides job security, and can make a difference in society. Additionally, almost anyone can get into law school and pass the bar exam. In reality, becoming an attorney is relatively easy if you are dedicated.Let’s look at 21 reasons why the legal profession is one of the best you could choose.
1. Attorneys earn more money than most other people
Being a lawyer is one of the most lucrative careers you could choose. Lawyers earn slightly less than medical professionals and CEOs of large companies. But they earn more than airline pilots, geoscientists, financial managers, and professionals.According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), a lawyer’s mean annual wage is $148,030. But it’s not just financial rewards that lawyers benefit from. Most lawyers receive generous employer-sponsored health and dental insurance, excellent retirement plans, and paid time off.
2. People highly respect lawyers
An attorney earns tremendous respect by taking their responsibilities as clients’ representatives seriously. Think about it—an attorney fights for the legal rights of their clients. This can involve defending them in court, fighting for financial compensation, protecting clients from the government, or resolving a messy family situation.There is no other profession that should be more respected. Honest attorneys deal in truth, justice, fairness, liberty, and ensuring their clients are treated right.
3. Society respects professionals in the legal profession
Many attorneys perform a public service because they defend the principles of law. With competent representation, a lawyer can make a real change in society. Because working in the legal profession brings prestige, attorneys have tremendous influence in the community and society.4. You can become extremely wealthy
Because attorneys earn more money than most people, many become exceedingly wealthy. And there are so many lucrative practice areas to choose from in a law career. Some lawyers make millions dealing with personal injury claims. In contrast, others climb the corporate ladder and become partners in legal firms.Being some of the highest-paid professionals in the country, attorneys can enjoy a lavish lifestyle that most people can only dream about.
5. Attorneys can work with important clients
Once qualified as a lawyer, you’ll have numerous chances to work with important and influential people on various cases. For example, your client could be a famous entertainment star, a government agency, an important entrepreneur, or a wealthy corporate client. Whatever the case, the law profession opens many opportunities to work with rich and famous people.6. An attorney can change society for the better
An attorney has a tremendous ability to change society for the better. Establishing a precedent can sometimes change local, state, or even federal laws. Therefore, an attorney’s work in representing clients can have far-reaching effects.Beyond providing legal representation, attorneys advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves or cannot protect their rights. In this way, attorneys can defend vulnerable people from exploitation and contribute towards a fairer and more equitable world.
7. People always need legal representation
The need for legal representation is something that will never go away. Regardless of changes in society or technology, people will always help to navigate the complexities of legal issues. It could be something as simple as real estate transactions, resolving an aspect of employment, or drawing up a contract. The thing is this—a lawyer’s work will always benefit from high client demand.And the good news is that people are always prepared to pay a premium for services in the legal field.
8. Set up a private practice to become independent
Once you have a law degree and plenty of legal knowledge, setting up a private practice is pretty straightforward. All you need to do is have a home office, put an ad in the local newspaper, or have a website. You may need to do some door-knocking or hand out flyers. However, with a law degree, you are better positioned than most people to start a business.Depending on your specialty, you can charge a lot of money for your services.
9. Attorneys enjoy professional and personal fulfillment
Most attorneys enjoy high levels of fulfillment in their professional and private lives. Most lawyers have opportunities to better people’s lives by assisting in legal matters. In many cases, they provide legal assistance in varied settings.Therefore, lawyers can use their leadership abilities to effect positive change in society, which is especially rewarding for you if you are passionate about making a difference.
10. Easy to transition between specialties in the law profession
One of the benefits of working in the legal profession is the ability to transition between various practice settings.For example, you could start in government after getting your law degree. From there, you could go to work in a big law firm, go in-house, or set up a private practice. After that, you could work as a law professor, become a lawyer career coach, or get involved in helping local communities.
In short, employment opportunities are endless if you are an attorney.
11. Attorneys develop outstanding problem-solving skills
One of the skills successful lawyers develop is to analyze problems and come up with solutions. With experience, lawyers learn how to break down complex issues into smaller segments and provide resolutions. The best part is that you get paid to sit and analyze a legal issue and are generously rewarded when you win the case.Because of the analytical skills lawyers develop, they find it very easy to change careers or focus on a specific aspect of law.
12. Attorneys have amazing career choices
Many attorneys begin their profession by working in broad fields of law. However, the legal profession offers unrivaled career mobility due to its varied work. For example, you may find certain aspects of law you enjoy working on. They could be environmental law, corporate law, trademark law, or litigation.For example, suppose you enjoy arguing cases in court. In that case, you could become a public defender or prosecutor. But say you prefer an easier life; in that case, you could become a real estate lawyer.
13. Lawyers can work most of their lives
One of the advantages of choosing a career in the legal profession is your longevity. As long as your mind is functioning well, you can work as a lawyer until any age. This is one of the unique aspects of being a lawyer.Of course, many wealthy lawyers have the option to retire early. But why stop doing something you love if you enjoy the profession?
14. Attorneys find it easy to transition into politics
If you choose an alternative career path, the skills you develop as an attorney are the same as serving in public office. For example, an attorney’s strong understanding of the law, keen attention to detail, and strong analytical and communication skills are just some traits that make them ideal for political work.For many attorneys, transitioning from private to public service is a natural choice. Very often, they have broad experience of issues the local community faces. Therefore, going into politics is like a natural transition where you can do much good.
15. You can become famous
While few people enter law school intending to find fame, many successful attorneys have become household names. For example, many former lawyers are now politicians, writers, TV stars, and celebrities. Here are a few people that started their careers as lawyers:- Barack Obama
- Hillary Clinton
- John Grisham
- Judge Judy
- Jerry Springer
- Nelson Mandela
16. You can own part of the firm
Starting on a path in the legal profession in a big law firm can result in being offered a partnership. Learning to navigate the legal industry can lead to getting to the top of lucrative legal firms.17. Enjoy a flexible career as a successful attorney
Working as a top lawyer doesn’t always require long, grueling hours in the office, billing hundreds of hours a month. There is a lot of flexibility in the law profession. Because most lawyers can earn between $70 and $140 an hour, they can work part-time and enjoy an excellent work-life balance. Or you could decide to work remotely and spend more time with the family.Depending on your career goals, you can work as much or as little as you like if you are a lawyer.
18. Get paid to write articles
Becoming a great writer is a transferable skill you develop as an experienced lawyer. For example, writing motions, appeals, and complex contracts takes skill. And in most cases, you must write in a convincing way to influence a judge or politician.You could become a crime author if you have a flair for writing engaging stories. Or, you may find that you have skills in writing books with career advice for startups or law school graduates.
19. Get paid to argue with other people
Who doesn’t love a good argument? If that describes you, becoming an attorney at law and arguing cases in court is the perfect career choice. If you love winning arguments, there can be nothing more satisfying than standing before a judge, jury, or packed courthouse and putting forward your motions.Of course, while you enjoy the process of thinking on your feet, appearing confident, and coming up with smart responses, you also get paid a lot at the same time. This is a win-win situation for many lawyers.
20. Attorneys can make a difference in people’s lives
Attorneys have a special place in the justice system and are satisfied with having a major impact on their client’s lives. There is a lot of pleasure in winning hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation for someone who suffered an injury. Or getting the charges dropped for a person wrongfully accused of a crime.In addition, attorneys help individuals understand the law and make informed decisions about how best to proceed with various legal matters. In short, attorneys play a vital role in protecting people’s rights and ensuring justice is served in our society.
21. Lawyers can develop transferable skills that other professions cannot offer
Lawyers can develop diverse transferable skills that other professions cannot offer. Here are a few examples:- Problem-solving
- Strategic thinking
- Analyzing and processing complex information
- Understanding legalese
- Developing excellent communication skills
- Showing great attention to detail
- Having the ability to sell a concept
- Showing entrepreneurial potential to be successful in business or marketing
Why Being an Attorney is the Best Career Choice
You do not need special skills or talents to become a successful lawyer. With determination and hard work, you can get through law school and get a job in a prestigious law firm. A career in the legal profession can also open many opportunities to build wealth and get satisfaction from your personal and professional development.WATCH THE WEBINAR REPLAY
See Harrison Barnes discuss this article in full by watching the webinar replay. Click this link to watch it now!