Trial Paralegal Job Description
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- Trial Paralegal Job Description
'A trial paralegal is a paralegal who works in the area of lawsuits, trials, and courtroom activity. Trial paralegals can be involved with either civil or criminal trials, and with trials in either state or federal court. Trial paralegals assist attorneys in preparing for jury and bench trials and handle tasks such as preparing exhibit binders and organizing pretrial documents. Some trial paralegals work for law firms and others work for government agencies that prosecute or defend cases of people accused of crimes (such as district attorney or public defender offices). Although trial paralegals go to court, they are not attorneys and must always work under the direction of a practicing attorney.
Here are a few sample trial paralegal job descriptions:
Insurance Defense Trial Paralegal
The candidate must have 5+ years of Paralegal experience, with 3+ in Insurance Defense matters, significant trial experience, as well as experience billing with Juris.
Pre-trial Paralegal
Duties: Manages a caseload of wrongful death pretrial cases from intake through the case obtaining a trial date. May also manage PI cases. Also, responsible to file cases to meet WD Statutes according to the C.C.P. Works on cases in various jurisdictions including San Francisco, Alameda, Solano and Los Angeles. Responsible for keeping data updated including status of the case, heirs, tasks completed, matter notes, etc. Performs research on the internet, intranet and other sources as needed. Contacts clients and deals with grieving families and issues that arise between the heirs. Determines for each case which heirs qualify to participate and which heirs want to participate in the case. Ensures the necessary records are ordered and arrive as quickly as possible for each case. These would include medical records and medical bills, film and pathology reports, as well as employment information such as Social Security, military, 1099s, pension, and other work related documents. Prepares, reviews, files and serves out pleadings such as complaints, DOES interrogatories, 998s, Case Management Statements etc. Works closely with case attorneys on documents and case issues. Responsible to complete the partner directives for medical work up, medical billing, and economic loss for each case in a timely manner. Works with Deposition Coordinator to set depositions and prepares the case for Trial Setting Conference or Case Management Conferences. Responsible for having all documents sent to scanning and confirms essential documents are scanned. Monitors the health of the clients and works to obtain Motion for Preference as appropriate.
Qualification Requirements: A Bachelor's degree or para certificate. 1+ year of office experience/prefer prior law firm experience. Excellent computer skills and the ability to quickly learn how to use various programs. Strong attention to detail. Ability to track and handle many tasks at one time. Ability to track and meet multiple deadlines. Ability to interact with clients through difficult conversations and situations. Strong communications skills. Typing speed of 45+ wpm. Submit a cover letter, resume, and salary requirement.
Trial Paralegal
The candidate will provide case management support on complex cases. Will assist in development and presentation of evidence in court proceedings. Provide litigation support at evidentiary hearings and trials. Assist in imaging and OCRing of paper documents. Responsible for objective and subjective coding and/or forensic analysis of case material, loading ESI materials into a repository/database, using analytic software tools and native formats. Review and analyze discovery and other case documentation. Identify, locate and gather records. Obtain and verify documents and evidence. Assist attorneys in trial, hearings and sentencing preparations.
The candidate should have a four-year college degree and paralegal certificate. Must have 3 years of paralegal experience. Should have strong analytical abilities with experience in organization, review, analysis and presentation of complex cases or cases with extensive discovery. Must have computer experience which includes proficiency in litigation support, databases, and case management software, with the ability to review different formats of electronic discovery. Criminal defense work, federal court experience, and trial preparation experience is helpful. Knowledge of Adobe, Word, Excel, dtSearchFor (similar to ISYS), CaseMap, and Trial Director is a plus. A reliable vehicle and a valid driver's license is required, as travel will necessary.
Trial Paralegal
The candidate will manage a caseload of Trial cases with responsibility for tracking and meeting all deadlines, and detailed reporting of work and tasks. Will be calendaring deadlines to the correct assignees, checking the weekly Draft and Final Attorney Calendars for accuracy, and making sure trial deadlines are met. Responsible for ensuring case information in databases is current and correct, and that all case work is completed timely. Responsible for maintaining accurate and current case charts. Familiar with and utilizes all applicable Firm policies, procedures and internal deadlines, and applicable sections of the C.C.P., CMOs, Local Rules and General Orders in multiple jurisdictions. Prepare, review and serve various pleadings and correspondence to clients, plaintiffs' experts, defense counsel and court. Contact client/heirs to obtain information when a client or family member passes away and make autopsy arrangements as needed.
The candidate should have Bachelor's degree or Paralegal Certificate. Must have 3+ years of litigation paralegal experience, or legal-related work experience in a business office preferred. Trial paralegal experience preferred.
Trial Paralegal
The candidate will be a part of a national team of 350 lawyers and professional staff spread across nine offices. Case management involving maintaining document control, calendaring docket deadlines and filing. Preparation and organization of a variety of documents, forms, charts, letters, etc. Mailings and filings. Assembling witness files. Preparation for depositions, and deposition/medical summaries. Cite checking of briefs regarding fact and legal citations. Preparation for hearings. Document production.
Qualifications: 3-7 years of litigation experience. Demonstrated initiative and self-direction. Demonstrated attention to detail. Strong Outlook skills and proficient in MS Office suite.
Trial Paralegal
The candidate should have 5+ years of experience actively managing litigation and trial support in a plaintiff's personal injury law firm.
Trial Paralegal
The candidate must have recent California litigation experience. Must have worked on heavy litigation. Paralegal must be able to perform fast typing, filing in court and e-filing, calendaring, discovery, trial preparation. Should preferably have strong background in rules and procedures in State and Federal courts. Great candidate will have excellent testing scores in MS Office (Outlook, Word, Excel) and typing 55+ WPM.'
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