Law Research Job Description
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- Law Research Job Description
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'Here are a few sample law research job descriptions:
Law Researcher
The candidate will have following duties: Rendering assistance to the Judicial Service Commission and its Committees; Receiving and attending to complaints against Judges; Maintaining a register of complaints lodged against Judges; Tracking of records on behalf of prisoners lodging appeals ;Consulting with State Attorneys and Advocates on litigation matters; Maintaining of stakeholder relations with referral institutions; Provide research and legal assistance to the Chief Directorate: Judicial Policy, Research and the JSC; Managing cases relating to loss control on behalf of the Department; Any Ad hoc task within the Unit. Should have an LLB degree or four year recognized legal qualification. Must have 2 years relevant experience. Skills and Competencies: Excellent research and analytical skills; Report writing and editing skills; Excellent Communication Skills (Written and verbal); Understanding of the Constitution and relevant legislation; Computer literacy (MS Word). Must have Ability to access and utilize computer research programmes (Westlaw, Lexis, Nexis, Jutas); Project management, including planning and organizing ability. Should have ability to integrate knowledge from diverse sources.
Senior Law Researcher
The candidate will conduct legal research for the judges of the court as directed from time-to-time; Supervise and co-ordinate the work of the researchers; Maintain a repository of research products; Ensure the effective and efficient use of legal materials allocated to the court. Should have LLB or equivalent qualification. Must have 3 Years appropriate legal research experience (experience as a legal practitioner would be an advantage). Should have knowledge of the South African Constitutional and Judicial Framework and an understanding of the functioning of the Superior and Lower Court Systems. Must have proven ability to draft documents and legal instruments; Experience in electronic (legal data bases) research. Skills and Competencies: Analytical skills; Report writing and presentation skills; Interpersonal relations; Planning and organizing; Computer literacy; Communication (written and verbal) skills; Presentation skills; Supervisory skills; Fluency in written and spoken English skills.
Tax Law Research Associate
The candidate will provide substantive research and analysis of transaction tax laws across the globe. Will monitor legislative and regulatory developments in the field of transaction tax worldwide, with special emphasis on how such changes may impact company's systems. Determine the impact of legislative and regulatory changes on company's systems and provide detailed, timely and accurate information regarding those changes to the Tax Content team, in order to include those changes in the company systems. Responsible for researching these issues and determining the proper tax treatment. Ability to explain complex tax rules in clear language for both tax and non-tax professionals both internally and externally. Develop and foster professional relationships with high level tax administrators across the globe. Research and analyze client questions regarding the taxability of specific transactions under applicable state or national law and then provide a clear and detailed response, either written or verbally depending on the circumstances. Should have a J.D. degree and admission to the Bar in at least one state (pending Bar admissions are acceptable). Equivalent international designations to a J.D. degree are acceptable. A CPA or equivalent designation when accompanied by significant transaction tax experience may also be acceptable in certain circumstances.'
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