Environmental Paralegal Job Description
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- Environmental Paralegal Job Description
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'An environmental paralegal is a paralegal who works in the area of environmental law. Some environmental paralegals work for private law firms that handle land use law. These firms assist clients like real estate developers and other companies in doing their business while still complying with federal and state environmental laws relating to things like water and air quality, pollution, and impact on the environment. Other environmental paralegals work for non-profit organizations or law firms that seek to use the law to protect the environment and wildlife. Because environmental paralegals are not attorneys and have not been admitted to the bars of any state, environmental paralegals must always work under the direction of a practicing attorney.
Here are a few sample Environmental Paralegal job descriptions:
Environmental Paralegal
Duties: Will support attorneys in the environmental practice group. Tasks include: Organizing case files and documents, in both electronic and paper form; case tracking/docketing, including obtaining documents from PACER; gathering and analyzing of documents, including reviewing documents to respond to discovery requests; and filing OPRA/FOIA requests to obtain government records and reviewing such records at government offices. Interacting with firm personnel and outside counsel; create and maintain spreadsheets and databases; performing legal research; preparing discovery and document binders to prepare practice group attorneys for meetings, mediations, and depositions; filing pleadings and other documents electronically in federal court via CM/ECF; and supporting other projects as needed.
Qualification Requirements: A minimum of a 4-year college degree or work experience equivalent. The candidate should have 2+ years of experience at a law firm as a paralegal. Strong analytical skills. Familiarity with environmental law is a plus. Familiarity with Concordance or other document review software is a plus. Familiarity with performing Internet and Lexis research. Should be highly proficient in Microsoft Office, including Word, Excel and Outlook. '
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