Asbestos Paralegal Job Description
- Legal Jobs
- Legal Job Description
- Asbestos Paralegal Job Description
'An asbestos paralegal is a paralegal who works in the area of asbestos law. Asbestos is a mineral that, when mined and ingested in lungs, can cause a myriad of lung and breathing-related health problems, including asbestosis, mesothelioma, and cancer. Asbestos paralegals assist lawyers who specialize in prosecuting lawsuits on behalf of victims of asbestos-related illnesses and death, or in defending the companies that mined and utilized asbestos and are being sued for injuring workers and others. Asbestos paralegals draft documents, communicate with clients and their families, and perform other tasks related to asbestos litigation. Because asbestos paralegals are not attorneys and have not been admitted to the bars of any state, they must always work under the direction of a practicing attorney.
Here are a few sample asbestos paralegal job descriptions:
Asbestos Paralegal
The candidate will involve in assisting an experienced and highly rated team of Lawyers with caseload of complex Disease files which encompass asbestos, dermatitis, chemical poisonings, VWF, occupational asthma cases. Will be heavily involved with drafting court documents, company research, taking witness statements. Reviewing and analysing medical records and letters of claim. Given the nature of these files. Should have litigated Disease experience, or experience of assisting on litigated EL/PL or high value Personal Injury work. Excellent academics are essential.
Asbestos Paralegal
The candidate must have 1+ year of paralegal experience. Entails case management, deposition review and summarizing, assisting with motion practice, assisting with pre-trial and trial preparation.
Asbestos Paralegal
The candidate should preferably have 3 + years of experience. Excellent written and oral advocacy skills is essential. Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, Power point is a plus.'
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