Do Law School Internships Pay? A Complete Guide to Making Money as an Intern in 2023
Law school internships can be a great way to gain experience and learn about the legal profession....
508 viewsLaw school internships can be a great way to gain experience and learn about the legal profession....
508 viewsThis article provides an overview of the law student job search process. It offers advice on creating a...
147 viewsSummary: The legal job market can be difficult for first-year law students, but with the right tips, it is...
69 viewsIf you're an attorney, the right combination of experience and education can help land you a job at investment...
72 viewsUnpaid internships are often seen as valuable work experience and resume fodder, but they aren’t the only...
92 viewsObtaining the perfect legal internship is every law student’s dream but first you have to find the right...
85 viewsA thousand-mile journey starts with a single step. A lifetime career starts with a first legal job, which can...
11 viewsCongratulations! You’ve nabbed a legal internship. Your preparation and hard work paid off. But if you think...
101 viewsIt’s easy to see Twitter as merely a source of amusement—especially if your feed is bogged down with...
37 viewsSummary: It can be difficult to find work as an LL.M. student. Find out what ways are most effective in this...
751 viewsI am writing to tell you a secret you may not know. Thousands of law students just like you use Legal...
63 viewsOne of the more interesting things to me is when people come out of law school and have a difficult time...
98069 viewsWe asked a practicing attorney and a professor and director of international programs if a foreign student...
36 viewsAs a law graduate you have two ways of make a name for yourself: (i) set up/ work for your own practice, or...
44 viewsWhen deciding where to apply, talk to other students, consult with career counselors, read student reviews...
19 viewsWhile there is little you can or should do in the way of contacting employers during the first few months of...
9 viewsIf you are interested in an on-campus job, typically the application process is simple: You check the job...
7 views1. WHY SHOULD YOU GET A JOB?There are several great reasons to work during the school year. First, a job...
9 viewsGIVE YOURSELF SOME BREATHING ROOM FROM LAW FIRMS The first-year summer job search is gruesome, particularly if...
20 viewsTo WORK OR NOT TO WORK Working during law school can be very rewarding if you find the right job, with the...
79 viewsThe climax of the recruiting season is when you finally hear from the law firms you've been interviewing with...
167 viewsThe second-year summer internship is probably the most vital stage of the law firm recruiting process. It is...
1965 viewsIf you're fortunate enough to receive job offers from law firms as a first-year student, count your blessings....
68 viewsThe first step in your successful job search is to assemble the basic tools you'll need. Your toolbox should...
37 viewsThe banker Walter Wristen once said that good judgment comes from experience and that experience comes from...
1078 viewsIn addition to other employment opportunities, most law students ponder, at one time or another, the...
61 viewsFinding a law-related summer job after your first year of law school can be extremely difficult, especially in...
16 viewsAppellate courts (especially the U.S. and state supreme courts) and federal courts of appeal are considered...
1918 viewsWill you enjoy the research and memoranda- and opinion-writing tasks of a law clerk? If you have never liked...
43 viewsFor most law students, particularly those who have completed the second year, the best wage available is for...