How a Legal Recruiter Can Help You Find a Law Position as an Associate or Partner
Do you want to find a permanent law position as an associate or partner? Working with the country’s top...
145 viewsDo you want to find a permanent law position as an associate or partner? Working with the country’s top...
145 viewsAlthough many attorneys go into the job search on their own, more and more of them seek out the services of...
40 viewsOne day the phone in your office rings. It's an executive legal recruiter, speaking as if she knows you. She...
39 viewsSummary: Legal recruiters save time and effort for employers and candidates in the legal job search process...
7958 viewsProviding Insider Knowledge and Counseling Professional search consultants receive their fees from the...
13 viewsIntroduction BCG Attorney Search maintains the largest and most up-to-date database of attorney-job...
51 viewsHiring organizations are often surprised to learn that more than 50 percent of the work done by our...
108 viewsThere are several methods that law firms typically use to make acquisitions at the partner level. These...
48 viewsIntroduction One of the most misunderstood facets of the legal-recruiting industry is the following: You have...
15 viewsINTRODUCTION One of the most misunderstood facets of the legal recruiting industry is the following: You...
47 viewsWhen law firms have hiring needs, many of them overlook the option of using a legal recruiter. Similarly, when...
273 viewsIt is all about time. Recruiting firms assess on a daily and sometimes hourly basis. There are several ways to...
92 viewsCongratulations on passing the bar. One of the ''rights, privileges, and immunities'' that you derive from...
124 viewsOne BCG Attorney Search recruiter explains how even though some recruiters did not practice as lawyers, they...
126 viewsThis week, our recruiters answer questions about the work involved in their often misunderstood profession.
633 viewsWith the many dilemmas that arise when dealing with a firm change at the partner level, it can be a daunting...
30 viewsRecruiter-Law Firm Relationships Forming relationships with firms makes you more likely to be viewed as just...