How to Write a Cover Letter for Paralegal Jobs
Summary: An often overlooked tool in the job hunt, the cover letter, has the potential to set you apart from...
269 viewsSummary: An often overlooked tool in the job hunt, the cover letter, has the potential to set you apart from...
269 viewsThe basic cover letter announcing your availability and your skills and qualifications should be prepared in...
137 viewsIn movies and TV, the signal that a scene is about to end is the "fade to black"-the picture gradually darkens...
339 viewsThe middle paragraph of the cover letter is the Skills/Value paragraph. This is your personal sales pitch. The...
2086 viewsThe first paragraph, generally, should be no more than three to four sentences. State the purpose of your...
297 viewsSending cover letters with the resumes is an irritating duty, but this is necessary task which the employers...
102 viewsThe order of your remarks in your cover letter should be straight forward. The following format may be a...
710 viewsWhether you are applying for a job that is listed in the want ads or any other place, including blind ads,...
195 views"I hate these things!" She tossed her cover letters across my desk and folded her arms in disgust. "Why can't...
78 viewsAlways send a cover letter with your resume. The letter should focus on the position you are seeking;...
1305 viewsHere's a little known secret: A resume only talks about 20 percent of the information you need to impart in...
81268 viewsWhen it comes to hiring legal professionals, most law firm hiring managers are very meticulous; therefore, a...