Minimizing Job Change Risk for Legal Secretaries
In what may be a little-known fact, many legal secretaries have no hang-ups about changing jobs. This article...
49 viewsIn what may be a little-known fact, many legal secretaries have no hang-ups about changing jobs. This article...
49 viewsSummary: There are many reasons to consider a large law firm as opposed to a small one, and vice versa. This...
1315 viewsSummary: This article describes the legal secretary job search process, from the first written plan to...
55 viewsSummary: This article describes the legal secretary hiring patterns of law firms in the Boston area, though...
22 viewsSummary: The founder of LawCrossing explains his motivations and aspirations in building the largest legal job...
436 viewsWe asked four attorneys what a paralegal could do to increase their chances of being hired at a law firm. Each...
440 viewsWe asked attorneys and legal staff members throughout the country how hard it is for a paralegal to land a job...
3296 viewsGetting a paralegal job typically requires advance planning. Begin now, in your first semester, by taking...
23 viewsThe job of legal secretaries that involved only typing and answering phones has evolved with time to include...
111 viewsLegal staff jobs are widely varied in nature and require highly specialized skills and qualifications. Besides...
76 viewsNo matter what type of legal job you are looking for, or when, the following general tips and guidelines...
74 viewsThe main employment opportunities in the law are to be found in:
39 viewsMany temporary placement agencies do permanent placements, and some permanent agencies have temporary...
168 viewsThe truly prepared paralegal about to engage in the effective paralegal job search will have the ability to...
296 viewsIf you have potential problems in your background, such as gaps or jobs that you do not wish to draw attention...
50 viewsThere are number of books, articles and even blogs has been published with reference to interview techniques...
100 viewsBecause hiring is both subjective and objective, much of interviewing is out of our control. New paralegals...
11 viewsWho does not want good fortune? Americans are crazy about lotteries for a basic human reason: A part of us,...
14 viewsDo not think of a sole practitioner as a "country lawyer." Avoid assumptions about where the attorney comes...
75 viewsStrategies and first moves after graduation lead one naturally to a discussion about how to approach the...
57 viewsHow does an entry paralegal get into a large firm? Network through a friend, or the relative of a firm member,...
1279 viewsYou must think of yourself as employed when you are looking for a job. You are, in effect, working for...
188 viewsCertain practice areas lend themselves to large documentation, while others present you with more client...
67 viewsStrategies for appealing to small and midsize firms vary according to practice area and the firms' internal...
178 viewsStrategies that work with sole practitioners are ones that demonstrate an understanding of their particular...
241 viewsEffective job strategies and "first moves" that get attention are invaluable for some very obvious reasons. It...
213 viewsOur plans miscarry because they have no aim. When a man does not know what harbor he is making for, no wind is...
528 viewsA number of career alternatives are open to a paralegal, from getting a job under and employer to alternative...
47 viewsYou know you're a talented paralegal, that you're resourceful, reliable and experienced. To be a success as a...