Difference Between a Paralegal and Lawyer
Embarking on a journey in the legal industry holds the promise of immense gratification, but the quest to...
46 viewsEmbarking on a journey in the legal industry holds the promise of immense gratification, but the quest to...
46 viewsParalegals hold a vital position within law firms and are indispensable to the smooth functioning of legal...
135 viewsThe legal industry is one of the world's most dynamic and competitive sectors. The legal support staff is...
108 viewsSummary: You don’t have to be an attorney to work in the legal industry. There are many jobs in law firms...
569 viewsSummary: Clerkships are regarded as one of the highest and most noted achievements a law student can have...
3657 viewsSummary: This article explains what paralegals are and what they do (as well as what they don’t do), the...
1498 viewsSummary: This article discusses the paralegal freelancing career path that may be attractive to those in the...
3137 viewsSummary: Paralegals have a multitude of areas of specialization to choose from, including environmental law,...
2138 viewsIn and around Chicago – in Northbrook and Liberty Park, Lombard and Deerfield, the ‘burbs are not the only...
68 viewsMaybe as a newbie law student you were conflicted in your love for the law – and your love for education....
1058 viewsNetworking Make as many contacts in the legal profession as you can as soon as you can, attend meetings of...
499 viewsThe American Bar Association (ABA) defines paralegals or legal assistants as persons “qualified by...
413 viewsA patent paralegal is responsible for the administrative tasks normally associated with the patent application...
122 viewsTrademark paralegals are responsible for the administrative and support tasks associated with trademark...
149 viewsThere are number of legal careers available in the United States. Some require a law degree, and others a...
44 viewsA paralegal is a legal professional that is trained and educated in the law, but not a licensed lawyer. Their...
22 viewsPrisons are institutions for the confinement of convicted criminals. Most prisons hold persons found guilty of...
6549 viewsThe basic requirements for being a correctional officer at most institutions are to be at least 18 or 21 years...
17 viewsThe paralegal profession is quite new. Its formal establishment as a profession can be traced back to the War...
5134 viewsCourt reporters were once known as the "silent men" in the courtroom as they tapped the keys on their...
1791 viewsCourt reporters actually have two jobs. The first one is taking down what people say in a trial or deposition....
1271 viewsDespite what many attorneys think, law firms probably couldn't function without legal secretaries. They're the...
104 viewsThere are a variety of administrative and supervisory positions available in law firms, especially the large...
63 viewsLaw firms offer a variety of career options for non-lawyers as well as for practicing attorneys. These...
61 viewsCourt reporters, also known as shorthand writers, attend court hearings and take a complete verbatim record of...
95 viewsLegal secretaries, like solicitors, tend to specialize in particular areas of the law. You will probably find...
104 viewsMost firms of solicitors have a general office with staff consisting of messengers and clerks, whose job it is...
22 viewsThe law offers a wide variety of fascinating careers. Not everyone can become a judge or a magistrate, but in...
62 viewsWhat does a judicial clerk do? It depends. First and foremost, it depends upon the desires and needs of the...