Kim Kardashian's Perspective on Law School
Reality TV star Kim Kardashian West grabbed headlines last year when she announced that she has decided to...
41 viewsReality TV star Kim Kardashian West grabbed headlines last year when she announced that she has decided to...
41 viewsIt’s the dream of many budding lawyers: making partner in a law firm. The money. The fame. The prestige....
4322 viewsLaw firm hiring mirrors the hiring efforts of other industries. It’s gone digital. Digital recruitment for...
171 viewsSummary: You don’t have to be an attorney to work in the legal industry. There are many jobs in law firms...
569 viewsSummary: Do you know what millennials will want from you as an attorney? Find out now in this article.
95 viewsSummary: Are you a lawyer looking for a change in employers? If you are on LinkedIn you should consider these...
402 viewsSummary: It takes a lot to be a lawyer, and there are definite downsides to the profession. Check out this...
4531 viewsSummary: LawCrossing for employers shares the most read articles of 2018.
113 viewsSummary: Learn how to unlock your inner creative genius with this book by Elizabeth Gilbert.
3 viewsSummary: Donuts are actually pretty easy to make in your own home.
9 viewsSummary: Declining bar exam passage rates are having a negative impact on law practice.
1218 viewsSummary: Learn what you can do to get through a tough breakup in this article.
14 viewsSummary: Do you suffer from anxiety in your work or personal life? Learn ways you can effectively deal with...
15 viewsSummary: Craving a dip but can’t spare the calories? Try one or more of these delicious healthy dips.
4 viewsSummary: Learn about the importance of being a law firm summer associate in your legal career in this article.
11395 viewsSummary: Are you trying to eat healthy? Keep the sodium, sugar, and calories down and add great flavor to your...
6 viewsSummary: Now you can show more than just your significant other you love them on Valentine’s Day with these...
11 viewsSummary: Here are the 2nd year salaries and bonuses of the top law firms in the United States.
1411 viewsSummary: Here are the 1st year salaries and bonuses of the top law firms in the United States.
14558 viewsAt least once or twice during their careers, most law firm personnel are told by the firm that their prospects...
4484 viewsSummary: Learn what a telecommunications attorney is and what they do in this article.
1065 viewsSummary: Want to make a good impression? Follow these 10 body language tips to be more likeable.
31 viewsSummary: Put one or more of these beneficial plants in your home to improve your air quality and remove...
5 viewsSummary: Make your yard look amazing this summer with these 5 easy tips.
2 viewsSummary: Choose the one you like best from one of these 12 dresses for your next summer wedding.
2 viewsCertain salaried employees who are paid less than $913 a week may be entitled to overtime after December 2016!
198 viewsSummary: Here is a good 10 minute HIIT workout that you can do from your hotel to keep yourself in shape even...
7 viewsSummary: Get ready for summer with these 8 summer-inspired backgrounds for your phone.
1947 viewsSummary: New attorneys that work as state law clerks make valuable additions to a law firm after completing...
5665 viewsSummary: My hours at the office are spilling over into my personal life. I can't stop thinking about cases I'm...