Choosing Between a Large Law Firm and a Small Law Firm: Pros and Cons
When it comes to selecting a law firm, one important decision to make is whether to opt for a large law firm...
741 viewsWhen it comes to selecting a law firm, one important decision to make is whether to opt for a large law firm...
741 viewsFor young lawyers starting out in a large law firm, finding a mentor is crucial to success. Mentors can...
133 viewsLaw firms should think carefully before hiring young attorneys, as there are advantages and disadvantages....
612 viewsSummary: This article discusses the top five skills that are essential for success as a new associate in a law...
90 viewsThe California bar exam covers a wide range of legal subjects and tests the ability to apply this knowledge...
3109 viewsQuitting law school can be a difficult decision to make, and there can be many reasons behind it Some...
170 viewsReturning to law school as an older attorney can present a number of challenges One challenge may be...
27 viewsAn affordable housing attorney works to ensure that low-income individuals and families have access to...
219 viewsSummary: Becoming a partner at a law firm is a significant achievement that requires a combination of hard...
2117 viewsSummary: In a law firm, staff attorneys and associates are two different levels of attorneys with varying...
1656 viewsBig law firms are extremely competitive. Only the best attorneys can get into major law firms, and there is...
1181 viewsVirtual law firms have lately started growing in popularity. The traditional law firm model has become...
456 viewsThe type of law firm you are in as an attorney is vital for your future career. Unfortunately, many attorneys...
80 viewsMost attorneys focus on spending their legal careers and providing legal services only in major law firms in...
665 viewsAs a legal recruiter and when I was still an attorney, I have met many different lawyers. Some of them were...
33 viewsWhether you’re looking to land your first job as a lawyer after passing the bar, or you’re an experienced...
808 viewsSummary: Lawyers need to know the 3 most common failures that can result in them losing their jobs.
4485 viewsSummary: If you want to move laterally, you first need to impress the recruiters.
2552 viewsSummary: Smaller law firms have some distinct advantages to their larger big law counterparts. Find out what...
3483 viewsSummary: Find out which law firms offer the best balance between work and life for women.
1431 viewsSummary: There are plenty of great non-legal jobs that a person can do with a law degree, and sometimes those...
6979 viewsLots of people go to law school because they want to do good, help others, and perhaps change society for the...
569 viewsWhy is this analysis important? It is so because all the components of this process affects your life as a...
116 viewsMany associates expect their firm to be consistent in its policies, its expectations, its treatment of...
44 viewsDon't let anyone fool you. Law firms and lawyers are not all alike. Rather, firms are groups of individuals,...
87 viewsIn the old days, most lawyers worked by themselves or in small firms. Now, however, some law firms have more...
3 viewsMost lawyers do not go to the huge firms. It makes sense, then, to back up and look at a different kind of...
24 viewsIf you're perfect, crazy, and positioned, probably the most important other thing to think about is the sheer...
129 viewsI learned to demand more and more from paralegals, secretaries, and word processing people, and to make it...
4 viewsOne career option available to you upon graduation from law school is the practice of law in a private firm....