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John A. Herrmann, Novavax, Inc.

published March 20, 2012

By Author - LawCrossing

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Earlier this month, John A. Herrmann III was named Vice President and General Counsel of Novavax, Inc., a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company that is involved in the creation of ground-breaking vaccines for a range of infectious diseases. In collaboration with its partners, the company enables countries around the world to respond to fast spreading infections and other illnesses of concern.

In his new role Herrmann will continue to function as the corporate secretary but will also be responsible for oversight of the company's legal affairs.

Herrmann initially joined Novavax in 2010 as the Executive Director of Legal Affairs and Corporate Secretary. Before that, he served as the Vice President and General Counsel of Gene Logic, which is now known as Ore Pharmaceuticals. He also spent time at Celera Genomics where he implemented the founder subscription agreements accessing Celera's human genome databases. He also worked for Baxter Healthcare, where he served as lead counsel in the formation and operation of an affiliate involved in renal disease management.

Herrmann holds a JD from the University of Illinois, College of Law and a bachelor's degree in history and political science from Brown University.

"I am very pleased to announce John's promotion to Vice President and General Counsel. John has worked closely with me, our management team and the board of directors during his time here and has consistently earned the respect and admiration of his colleagues. He has played an integral role in the award of our contract from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), the establishment of our alliance with LG Life Sciences, and, most recently, in the acquisition of our new leased-facilities at our Gaithersburg campus. We all wish John success in his future endeavors here at Novavax," stated Stanley C. Erck, President and CEO.
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