Summary: The law school mystique-that is, thinking of law school as phenomenally difficult, utterly mind-boggling, and wholly mysterious-can be crippling.
The law school mystique-that is, thinking of law school as phenomenally difficult, utterly mind-boggling, and wholly mysterious-can be crippling. Get over it. It's just law school! Think of law school as being a mere step up from college. Nothing more. Don't get wrapped up in your own fallacious ideas of what law school should be. When you're all wrapped up in knots like that, it's counterproductive. Deal with what law school is, instead. Again, it's just a step up from college- the boot camp of the legal profession. Say that to yourself over and over. Convince yourself it's true.
If you can convince yourself of this you're well on your way to becoming a good lawyer. Lawyers by necessity not only have to convince themselves of "stuff," they often have to convince others as well. This ability literally pays the rent. So practice on yourself. Start now. Convince yourself that law school is no big deal. Get over that silly law school mystique!