Below is a directory of the Puerto Rico administrative, court, and government offices. This also includes the staff in most locations.
Capital: San Juan
3,725,789 (2010 Census)
Office of Courts Administration General Court of Justice
677 Cesar Gonzalez St. San Juan, PR 00918-3920
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 190917 San Juan, PR 00919-0917
(787) 641-6600; Fax: (787) 766-9831
Website: http://www.ramajudicial.pr
Administrative Dir.: Hon. Sonia Ivette; Velez Colon
Comision de Etica Professional Avenida
Ponce de Leon 808
Colegio de Abogados de Puerto Rico San Juan, PR 00907
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9021900 San Juan, PR 00902-1900
(787) 721-3358; Fax: (787) 725-0330
Website: http://www.capr.org
President: Ana Irma Rivera-Lassen
Secretary of Justice of Puerto Rico
Depto.de Justicia, Piso 11
Calle Olimpo, Esquina Axtmayer
Parada 11, No. 6 Miramar, PR 00907
Mailing Address: G.P.O. Box 9020192 San Juan, PR 00902-0192
(787) 721-7700; Fax: (787) 724-4770
Website: http://www.justicia.pr.gov
Secretary of Justice: Cesar R. Miranda-Rodriguez
Board of Bar Examiners
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
Ave. Ponce de Leon, Parada 8 Puerta de Tierra
P.O. Box 9022392 San Juan, PR 00902-2392
(787) 289-0170; Fax: (787) 725-5030
Email: junta.examinadora@ramajudicial.pr
Website: http://www.ramajudicial.pr
24 hours CLE required per two years, including 4 hours of ethics.
No admission without exam.
Puerto Rico Bar Association
Colegio de Abogados de Puerto Rico
808 Ave. Ponce de Leon Miramar, PR 00908
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9021900 San Juan, PR 00902-1900
(787) 721-3358; Fax: (787) 725-0330
Email: dir@capr.org
Website: http://www.capr.org
Exec. Dir.: Maria E. Hemandez-Torrales
Voluntary Bar
Annual Meeting - September, 2015
Corporation & Trademark Division Department of State
San Francisco St., Old San Juan Station
P.O. Box 3271 San Juan, PR 00902-3271 (787) 722-2121
Corporations: Ext. 6226
Notaries: Ext. 6336
Filing Division: Ext. 6255
Annual Reports: Ext. 6280
Dir., Corporate Div.: Marcos Valez Green (Acting)
Dir., Trademark Div.: Raquel Mercado
Office of the Governor
La Fortaleza, 52 Fortaleza St. San Juan, PR 00901
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9020082 San Juan, PR 00902-0082
(787) 721-7000; Fax: (787) 725-7763
Email: correo@occ.gobiemo.pr
Website: http://fortaleza.govpr.org
1100 7th St. N.W., Suite 500 Washington, DC 20036
(202) 778-0710; Fax: (202) 822-0916
Governor: Alejandro Garcia Padilla (Democrat)
Next election Nov. 2016
Supreme Court of Puerto Rico
Supreme Court
Ave. Ponce de Le6n, Stop 8 Puerta de Tierra San Juan, PR 00902
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9022392 San Juan, PR 00902-2392
(787) 723-6033; Fax: (787) 722-9177
Website: http://www.ramajudicial.pr
Chief Justice: Hon. Federico Hernandez Denton
Clerk of the Court: Aida Ileana Oquendo-Graulau
Email: aida.0quend0@ram3judicial.pr
Estate & Wills: Clerk, General Court of Justice, Supreme Court
Deeds and Mortgages: Property Registry, each district
Notary Certificates: Dept. of State, Division of Certification and Regulations ($3.00)
Office of the Commissioner of Insurance
B5 Tabonuco St., PMB 356, Suite 216 Guaynabo, PR 00968-3029
(787) 304-8686; Fax: (787) 273-6365
Commissioner: Angela Weyne Roig
Email: mjimenez@ocs.gobiemo.pr
Office of the Secretary of State
Department of State
Real Intendencia Bldg. San Jose St., comer San Francisco St. San Juan, PR 00902
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9023271 San Juan, PR 00902-3271
(787) 722-2121; Fax: (787) 725-7303
Ponce: (787) 843-6494
Arecibo: (787) 880-1626
Fajardo: (787) 801-8644
Secretary of State: Hon. David E. Bemier-Rivera
Oficina de Compensacion y Servicios alas Victimas y Testigos de Delito
(Crime Victims & Witnesses Condensation & Svces. Office)
Edificio Principal del Depto. de Justicia, Piso 1
Calle Olimpo, Esquna Axtmayer, Num. 601 San Juan, PR 00907
Mailing Address: G.P.O. Box 9020192 San Juan, PR 00902-0192
(787) 721-3997; Fax: (787) 723-8675
Act No 183 1998 as amended
Demographic Registry
Dept. of Health
414 Barbosa Ave. Hato Rey, PR 00917
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 11854 San Juan, PR 00910
(787) 765-2929; Fax: (787) 751-5003
Website: http://www.salud.gov.pr
Births, Deaths, Marriages, Divorces - 1931 (local registry records 1885-1931). Certified copies - $5.00, additional copies ordered at the same time, $4.00 each, (money orders payable to Secretary of Treasurer).